Blockchain and financial markets: will computers push out brokers? | 區塊鏈和金融市場:電腦會淘汰經紀人嗎? - FT中文網
【高階限免】Blockchain and financial markets: will computers push out brokers?

Cryptocurrency exchange FTX wants US futures markets to use its technology, bringing 24/7 trading and automated risk management | 加密貨幣交易所FTX希望美國期貨市場使用其技術,實現全天候交易和自動化風險管理。

Sam Bankman-Fried cut an unlikely figure as he took the stage on the final morning of this year’s big derivatives-industry conference in Boca Raton, Florida. Sporting a grey T-shirt, khaki shorts and sneakers, his mane of curly hair untamed, the 30-year-old chief executive of FTX looked more like a student who had just rolled out of bed to grab breakfast at his college cafeteria than the boss of an international cryptocurrency exchange valued at $32bn.
在今年佛羅里達州博卡拉頓舉行的大型衍生品行業會議的最後一天上午,山姆·班克曼-弗利德(Sam Bankman-Fried)以一種不太可能的形象登臺演講。這位30歲的FTX首席執行長身穿灰色T恤、卡其色短褲和運動鞋,一頭捲髮桀驁不馴,看起來更像是一個剛從牀上爬起來去大學食堂喫早餐的學生,而不是一家價值320億美元的國際加密貨幣交易所的老闆。
Adding to incongruity at the Futures Industry Association event was that Bankman-Fried was engaging in a one-on-one chat with Alex Rodriguez, the retired American baseball star, broadcaster and business executive known as A-Rod. Standing a good six inches taller than his interlocutor and still fit at 46, the one-time fiancé of Jennifer Lopez was every inch a red-carpet celebrity in his dark suit, white shirt and power tie.
在美國期貨行業協會(Futures Industry Association)的這次活動中,更不協調的是,班克曼-弗利德正在與美國退役棒球明星、節目主持人和企業高階主管、人稱「A-Rod」的亞歷克斯·羅德里格斯(Alex Rodriguez)進行一對一的交談。這位曾是詹妮弗·洛佩茲(Jennifer Lopez)未婚夫的名人,比他的對話者高出6英寸,身穿深色西裝、白襯衫和象徵地位的高級領帶,從頭到腳展現著紅毯上的名人的風範。
But it was A-Rod who was out of his league.
Bankman-Fried had already stolen the show at the March gathering with a groundbreaking proposal to US regulators to automate risk management in financial markets — using practices developed for digital assets. FTX says it plans to start with a small market — leveraged futures contracts for cryptocurrencies. But it raises the possibility of a brave new world in which traditional brokers would be replaced by computers, and machines would make margin calls in 24-hour-a-day, seven-day-a-week trade.
As he compared notes with Rodriguez, Bankman-Fried stuck to a futuristic vision, holding forth at length on the “really beautiful experience” of using some of the new protocols being built on blockchains, the distributed ledger technology underpinning cryptocurrencies. By the time he finished, the former New York Yankees slugger was a gushing fan. “This guy is way too smart,” he said.
在與羅德里格斯交換意見時,班克曼-弗利德堅持了一個未來的願景,詳細闡述了使用一些建立在區塊鏈上的新協議的「真正美好的體驗」,使用分佈式賬本技術的區塊鏈是加密貨幣的基礎。當他講完時,前紐約洋基隊(New York Yankees)的強擊手已經是一位熱情的粉絲。「這傢伙太聰明瞭,」他說。
The warm reception given to the young man in short trousers by the folks in suits at the Florida pow-wow was something of a surprise. Bankman-Fried and his industry are controversial. An American citizen, he is a paper billionaire many times over based on his majority interest — his exact holding has not been disclosed — in an international crypto exchange that is incorporated in Antigua and Barbuda and operates with a licence issued by the Bahamas. His three-person board has one outside director, a lawyer in its corporate home country.
The crypto business faces headwinds on multiple fronts. Gary Gensler, US Securities and Exchange Commission chair, has said there is a “great deal of hype and spin” about how digital assets work and a lack of investor protections in the “Wild West” markets where they trade. Lesser authorities have wondered how coins named after little dogs or non-fungible tokens depicting bored apes could be worth so much. Hopes that bitcoin would function as a kind of digital gold have been undercut by its difficult-to-explain price movements in crises.
加密業務在多個方面都面臨著阻力。美國證交會(SEC)主席加里•詹斯勒(Gary Gensler)表示,關於數位資產的工作方式存在「大量炒作和泡沫」,數位資產交易的「狂野西部」市場缺乏投資者保護。一些較小的監管機構想知道,以小狗命名的加密貨幣,或以無聊猿命名的NFT,怎麼會值這麼多錢。比特幣在危機中難以解釋的價格波動,削弱了它作爲一種數字黃金髮揮作用的希望。
Sam Bankman-Fried had a one-on-one chat with Alex Rodriguez, the retired American baseball star, at the Boca Raton conference in March
山姆·班克曼·弗利德在3月的博卡拉頓(Boca Raton)大會上與美國退役棒球明星亞歷克斯·羅德里格斯進行了一對一的交談
Yet Bankman-Fried created a buzz in Boca by focusing less on what is being traded on exchanges such as FTX and more on how it is being traded — the implication being that the gold might be in the new financial plumbing itself rather than what flows through it. In the process, he took a far different approach to dealing with the government than his more combative brethren in the libertarian-leaning crypto community. He invited oversight and sought a dialogue with the regulators — which he has received.
Rostin Behnam, chair of the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission, which regulates derivatives markets, addressed the FTX proposal in a speech at the same event. While pledging to be “careful, patient and deliberative with this request”, Behnam also expressed public admiration for the ideas behind Bankman-Fried’s argument.
監管衍生品市場的美國商品期貨交易委員會主席羅絲汀•貝南(Rostin Behnam)在同一場活動上發表講話,談到了FTX的提案。貝南承諾將「謹慎、耐心和審慎地處理這一請求」,同時也公開表達了對班克曼-弗利德觀點背後的理念的讚賞。
“The request represents an innovative proposal that deserves careful consideration,” Behnam said, adding: “It has never been, nor should it ever be our job to choose winners or losers in the industry. Only the market and the customer can do that.”

Trading day and night


The CFTC itself set the stage for Bankman-Fried’s star turn only five days before the conference. On March 10, it issued a request for public comment on a proposal by the US derivatives arm of FTX to allow a small US futures exchange it bought last year to offer leveraged futures contracts.
The products it currently offers to retail investors are — to use the industry lingo — “fully collateralized,” meaning FTX takes no credit risk. With leveraged futures there is a big difference. These contracts enable investors to take large positions while putting up a fraction of the value of the trade, known as margin. The leverage means investors can get more bang for their buck if things go right. The margin functions ensure that a soured bet and default doesn’t cascade through the financial system.
The novel part of the FTX proposal is how it deals with margin. In today’s markets, brokers known as futures commission merchants, or FCMs, collect margin and make sure customers have enough of it to support their positions. If they do not, FCMs ask for more money, usually overnight, or advance funds to special customers to keep them in the game.
FCMs also contribute to guarantee funds at clearing houses — third parties that stand between buyers and sellers of futures — to “mutualise” loses in a major default. FCMs hold $456bn in customer funds, the CFTC says, with the two biggest being arms of JPMorgan Chase and Goldman Sachs.
期貨佣金交易商還向清算所(期貨買賣雙方之間的第三方)提供擔保資金,以「共同分擔」重大違約中的損失。商品期貨交易委員會表示,期貨佣金交易商持有4560億美元客戶資金,其中最大的兩家是摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)和高盛(Goldman Sachs)旗下的子公司。
Rostin Behnam, chair of the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission, expressed admiration for Bankman-Fried’s proposal
FTX is seeking to bypass the brokers and use an approach that has evolved in the do-it-yourself, 24/7 crypto trade. In this world, digital assets move on computer networks that have no opening or closing times, or any of the traditional gatekeepers that were required by older technologies.
Under the FTX plan, customers would deposit collateral in FTX accounts — cash or crypto — and be responsible for keeping enough on hand to cover margin requirements at all times. Margin levels would be calculated every 30 seconds. If the margin falls too low, FTX would start liquidating the position in seconds, selling it off in 10 per cent increments or, in worst-case scenarios, offering it to “backstop liquidity providers who agree ahead of time to accept a set amount”. FTX also promised to put $250mn of cash into a guarantee fund.
FTX officials argue that the current practice of asking for margin creates a world of unsecured credit in which FCMs basically hope the customer will pay at some point. Their automated system would be safer, they say. Liquidations would be more frequent, but less ruinous. As proof, they pointed to the ability of their three-year-old international exchange to survive the ferocious volatility of digital asset prices.
“From a risk perspective, and this gets lost sometimes in discussions, I think our proposal is, in some senses, much more conservative . . . than the norm,” Bankman-Fried said in a Financial Times interview.
Don Wilson, chief executive of DRW, one of the world’s biggest derivatives traders, says his group has been “trading this way for some time in the crypto space” and has grown to like the 24/7 action. Because it can be moved around at all hours, crypto is very handy collateral for leveraged players looking to act quickly in the markets.
全球最大的衍生品交易商之一DRW的首席執行長唐•威爾遜(Don Wilson)表示,該集團「在加密領域以這種方式交易已經有一段時間了」,並逐漸喜歡上了全天候的交易方式。因爲它可以隨時移動,對於希望在市場上快速行動的槓桿玩家來說,加密貨幣是非常方便的抵押品。
“One of the things that blockchain technology enables is more efficient and more real-time exchange of collateral. Once you have the ability to move collateral in a nearly instantaneous manner, then you can rethink the way you’re doing your margining,” he says.
“We have to manage the collateral in real time and we’ve never got closed out of a position [liquidated],” he explains. “People who don’t have the collateral get closed out of their positions and that’s a good thing. That reduces systemic risk and once you get it to the ability to very efficiently close out positions . . . now do you really even need an intermediary?”

Getting rid of gatekeepers


The case for human intermediation in futures markets took a real-time blow as industry executives met in Boca Raton. Across the Atlantic, the London Metal Exchange halted nickel trading for a week — and cancelled a day of trades — after a big bearish bet by Chinese metals tycoon Xiang Guangda backfired and left him facing huge margin calls. Activity only resumed after Xiang struck an agreement with banking counterparties including JPMorgan and Standard Chartered to keep his position open.
當行業高階主管們在博卡拉頓開會時,期貨市場中存在人爲中介的理由受到了實時打擊。大西洋彼岸的倫敦金屬交易所(LME)暫停鎳交易一週,並取消了一天的交易。先前,中國金屬大亨項光達的一筆鉅額空頭押注事與人違,令他面臨鉅額追加保證金通知。直到項光達與摩根大通(JPMorgan)和渣打(Standard Chartered)等銀行交易對手達成協議,保持其倉位後,交易活動才得以恢復。
The debacle pointed to a hole in the defences erected by global regulators in response to the 2008 financial crisis and the role that opaque derivatives trading played in it. Officials pushed for more central clearing of trades and tougher margin requirements as a backstop for the system. But regulators were never able to construct a real-time risk management dashboard that would enable them to spot a big market player building up a dangerously large leveraged position.
As the LME reeled, FTX was making a well-timed sales pitch that it could fill the gap. Regulators would be able to log on to its website and see “to the penny” the “total amount of risk in the system”, FTX claimed. Some of that data could even be shared with the public, Bankman-Fried said.
“I think it would be cool to have a public dashboard that makes much more of this clear,” he says. “We know how much collateral exactly is in the system. We are custodying it. We have internal metrics and we have alarms that go off if that changes internally. We just haven’t made it public.”
The turbulence in commodities markets that followed the Russian invasion of Ukraine also gave FTX a chance to make the case for round-the-clock trading. As ruinous as that might be for the work-life balance of industry participants, it would allow investors and the financial system to adjust as quickly as possible to the outbreak of war or other disasters, the company argues.
“It’s not like waiting till Monday means you didn’t have risk over the weekend. It was there. You just were intentionally not paying attention to it,”  says Bankman-Fried. “You can have more continuous deleveraging. You don’t have to have these three-day gaps in which war can break out.”
Not everyone, of course, is as enthusiastic. Craig Pirrong, a University of Houston finance professor, says he fears the mechanical FTX approach could prove “destabilising”, exacerbating market moves in either direction and possibly creating opportunities for bad actors to manipulate prices in hopes of triggering liquidations. He suggests the CFTC adds a “shock absorber” to the FTX system to slow down the action when necessary.
當然,並不是每個人都這麼熱情。休斯頓大學(University of Houston)金融學教授克雷格•皮龍(Craig Pirrong)表示,他擔心,機械的FTX方法可能會「破壞穩定」,加劇市場朝任何方向的波動,並可能爲不良行爲者創造操縱價格、以期觸發清算的機會。他建議商品期貨交易委員會在FTX系統中增加一個「減震器」,以在必要時減緩交易速度。
“This is a double-edged sword. There is a trade-off here,” he says. “Innovation should be allowed, but the potential issue with this innovation should be recognised and the CFTC should get ready to mitigate it.”
The CFTC has signalled it is going to take its time in deciding what to do. In a sign of the intense debate to come, the regulator has extended the original comment period on the FTX proposal by 30 days, to May 11. Market participants are already asking about the reliability of the FTX plan for back-up liquidity providers or whether it would concentrate risk in too few hands. Because futures are used by farmers and ranchers to hedge risks, agricultural interests could weigh in, complicating matters politically.
The FCM’s are another wildcard. FTX officials are taking pains to say that investors who want to retain their brokers can trade through them at their exchange. FTX does not mean to suggest that “just because we allow for disintermediation, there has to be disintermediation”, says Brett Harrison, president of FTX.US.
期貨佣金交易商是另一個未知因素。FTX的管理人士煞費苦心地表示,想要留住他們的經紀人的投資者可以在他們的交易所透過他們進行交易。FTX美國公司總裁佈雷特•哈里森(Brett Harrison)表示,FTX並不意味著「僅僅因爲我們允許去中介化,就必須去中介化」。
But the traditional players are unlikely to be happy. After long period of decline — in which the number of FCMs fell from 178 at the end of the 2005 to 61 in the latest CFTC survey — prospects for the business are looking up. Rising interest rates would make it more profitable to hold customer balances, says Carl Gilmore, president of Integritas Financial Consulting, who adds: “Don’t be surprised if you see a bunch of FCMs complaining about this in the next few weeks.”
但傳統的玩家不太可能會爲此感到開心。在經歷了長時間的下降之後,該行業的業務前景正在好轉。商品期貨交易委員會的最新調查顯示,期貨佣金交易商的數量從2005年底的178家下降到61家。金融諮詢公司Integritas Financial Consulting的總裁卡爾•吉爾摩(Carl Gilmore)表示,不斷上升的利率將使保持客戶餘額更加有利可圖。他補充道:「未來幾周內,如果你看到一羣期貨佣金交易商發出抱怨,不要感到驚訝。」

The regulation fight


Whatever happens, the FTX proposal and the debate it has stirred marks a new phase in the drama over crypto regulation, which to this point has recalled Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot, at least in the US.
無論發生什麼,FTX提案及其引發的辯論,標誌着圍繞加密監管的戲劇進入了一個新階段,到目前爲止,這讓人想起塞繆爾•貝克特(Samuel Beckett)的《等待戈多》(Waiting for Godot),至少在美國是這樣。
In an executive order on crypto his year, Joe Biden signalled both his determination to regulate the industry — and the delays to come. The president’s declaration was short on details and long on studies. It will be months before detailed proposals emerge from his administration. Although a bipartisan group of legislators is discussing how to deal with crypto, final action on Capitol Hill will take time.
在今年發佈的一份有關加密貨幣的行政命令中,喬•拜登(Joe Biden)表達了他監管該行業的決心——以及即將到來的拖延。總統的聲明細節不足,研究內容冗長。他的政府還需要幾個月的時間才能拿出詳細的提案。儘管一個由兩黨議員組成的小組正在討論如何處理加密貨幣,但國會的最終行動將需要時間。
As a result, no single US regulator oversees the spot market in digital assets. While the CFTC takes an interest in crypto derivatives, there is a raging debate on Gensler’s assertion that many cryptocurrencies are securities under US law, making them fair game for the SEC. Most crypto exchanges in the US operate with money transmitter licenses.
“Would we like Congress to pass a bill that clarifies everything? Absolutely,” says Bankman-Fried, the son of two Stanford law school professors. “But that could take years.”
In the meantime, FTX is taking regulatory matters into its own hands. Bankman-Fried has already suggested to Congress that the CFTC should be made the regulator for all digital assets in US spot and derivatives markets. With its proposal to the CFTC, FTX is prodding its preferred regulator into action that could establish key rules of the road for traders.
“We would love to have more clarity around the right way to get licensed and registered for digital assets,” says Bankman-Fried. “I do think this is an attempt for us to find what seems like the best oversight that can be given, given the structure that exists today.”
Comedian and writer Larry David starred in a Super Bowl ad for FTX
喜劇演員兼作家拉里·大衛(Larry David)在FTX的超級碗廣告中擔任主角
Bankman-Fried started FTX only three years ago, first setting up an international exchange and then one for US users. The larger international operation is now worth more than Deutsche Bank or Credit Suisse, based on its $32bn valuation in January funding round that included Japan’s SoftBank and Canada’s Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan.
班克曼-弗利德在3年前才創辦FTX,先是建立了一家國際交易所,後來又建立了一家面向美國用戶的交易所。規模更大的國際業務目前的估值超過了德意志銀行(Deutsche Bank)或瑞士信貸(Credit Suisse),最新一輪融資在今年1月進行,獲得了包括日本軟銀(SoftBank)和加拿大安大略省教師養老金計劃(Ontario Teachers ' Pension Plan)在內的投資,估值爲320億美元。
Down the road from Boca Raton, the Miami Heat of the National Basketball Association play in the FTX Arena. Larry David stars in the company’s commercials. The FTX chief executive has even mused about growing big enough to buy Goldman Sachs.
在從博卡拉頓出發的路上,NBA的邁阿密熱火隊(Miami Heat of the National Basketball Association)正在FTX體育館比賽。拉里·大衛(Larry David)主演了該公司的廣告。FTX的首席執行長甚至考慮過要發展到能收購高盛的規模。
Bankman-Fried has made the scale of his ambitions clear to officials considering his proposal. In a letter sent to regulators in February by one of his in-house lawyers — one of several former CFTC employees working at FTX — the government was put on notice that he is only getting started.
“FTX plans to lead futures markets in the United States into the 21st century,” wrote Brian Mulherin, general counsel of FTX US Derivatives.
「FTX計劃引領美國期貨市場進入21世紀,」FTX美國衍生品業務總法律顧問布賴恩•穆赫林(Brian Mulherin)寫道。











