Google pins its hopes on Gemini to leapfrog GPT-4 | 谷歌寄希望於Gemini超越GPT-4 - FT中文網
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Google pins its hopes on Gemini to leapfrog GPT-4

Top-of-the-range Ultra is the search group』s best weapon in the race to turn generative AI into a useful everyday tool | 谷歌發佈大型語言模型系列Gemini,其中的頂級模型Gemini Ultra將成爲谷歌在將人工智慧轉變爲更實用日常工具的競賽中的最佳武器。
This week’s release of Gemini, a family of large language models, will give Google a stronger platform to fight back against OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, and Microsoft
It has taken a year, but Google has finally delivered a coherent response to the surprise challenge to its dominance in artificial intelligence that came with the launch of ChatGPT.
This week’s release of Gemini, a family of large language models, will give it a stronger platform to fight back against both OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, and Microsoft, which has used OpenAI’s models to supercharge all its software and cloud services this year.  
The question now is whether Gemini can make a meaningful difference to Google’s existing services — and, perhaps even more important, whether it can become a foundation for a new range of services that carry AI much deeper into everyday life.
現在的問題是,Gemini 能否給谷歌現有的服務帶來有意義的改變——也許更重要的是,它能否成爲一系列新服務的基礎,讓人工智慧更深入地融入日常生活。
With the three “flavours” of Gemini announced this week, Google is finally stamping its mark on a technology that its own researchers did much to pioneer, but which OpenAI’s ChatGPT carried into the mainstream. The Pro version, for instance, is positioned squarely against OpenAI’s GPT-3.5, the model behind the free version of ChatGPT and the workhorse for many of the first generative AI applications from other companies that have hit the market this year.
The smaller Gemini Nano is matched against systems such as the smallest version of LLaMa 2, Facebook’s open-source model, making it capable of being run on a mobile device. Apple, as always, is taking a considered approach before bringing generative AI to the iPhone, but the appearance of Gemini on Google’s latest Pixel handset is a sign that it can’t afford to wait too long.
較小的Gemini Nano可以與最小版本的LLaMa 2 (Facebook的開源模型)等系統相匹敵,使其能夠在移動設備上運行。蘋果(Apple)一如既往地在將生成式人工智慧引入iPhone之前採取了深思熟慮的態度,但Gemini在谷歌最新款Pixel手機上的出現表明,它等不了太久。
It is the top-of-the-line Gemini Ultra, due out early next year, that carries Google’s main hopes of matching or leapfrogging OpenAI’s GPT-4 in the race to turn generative AI into a more useful everyday tool. The company fell behind this year, but has some clear advantages that could help bring Gemini to a big market in 2024.
將於明年初推出的頂級模型Gemini Ultra,承載了谷歌的主要希望,即在將生成式人工智慧轉變爲更有用的日常工具的競賽中,趕上或超越OpenAI的GPT-4。該公司今年在這方面落後了,但有一些明顯的優勢可以幫助Gemini在2024年進入一個大市場。
One is distribution. Google said this week, for instance, that Gemini will be added to Chrome, which has more than 60 per cent of the browser market, giving billions of web users instant access to tools that are able to do things such as analyse the content of web pages.
As Google flexes its existing market power like this to boost its AI ambitions, competition regulators will be watching closely.
Another advantage for Google is the uncertainty around OpenAI. After the shock sacking and reinstatement of chief executive Sam Altman last month, the many businesses that have built their own generative AI plans on top of OpenAI’s models will be looking to hedge their bets.
谷歌的另一個優勢是OpenAI的不確定性。上月,OpenAI首席執行長薩姆•奧爾特曼(Sam Altman)被令人震驚地解僱並復職後,許多在OpenAI模型基礎上建立了自己的生成式人工智慧計劃的企業將尋求對沖賭注。
The search company will also be hoping that its Bard chatbot will do a better job of rivalling ChatGPT now that it has a better language model behind it. But its best hope of regaining an edge may lie in being the first to come up with the next breakthrough services powered by generative AI. Some of the capabilities claimed for Gemini point to where Google thinks these might lie.
It has made much, for instance, of the fact that Gemini was designed from the outset to be “multimodal” — that is, able to understand not just text but also images, video and audio. According to Google, that makes it better suited than models such as GPT-4 to deal with the sort of everyday situations that rely on senses such as sight and hearing.
That may be a step towards AI systems that are better able to operate in the real world. But it is too soon to tell what applications this could make possible, or whether Google really has achieved the technical superiority it claims.
Another avenue for development lies in what Google claims are Gemini’s reasoning and planning capabilities. These are the kind of skills that could prepare the ground for personal assistants able to tackle complex problems and set a plan of action.
If such assistants are linked to other internet services, they could also become agents, taking action on their users’ behalf. Imagine a shopping agent, for instance, that not only hunts out the products you want but goes ahead and pays for them as well.
This is already shaping up to be one of the key AI battles of 2024 and beyond. OpenAI took a first step in this direction last month when it said its users would be able to build rudimentary agents on top of its models, then offer them for sale on an OpenAI app store. That could point to the next big AI breakthrough beyond ChatGPT — and this time, Google has no intention of being left behind.











