Key moments ahead in the UK election campaign - FT中文網

Key moments ahead in the UK election campaign

Parties finalise manifestos and haggle over TV debates as parliament races towards dissolution ahead of July 4 vote


"}],[{"start":10.15,"text":"Rishi Sunak’s decision to call a general election on July 4 has set in train a series of political and constitutional events unforeseen 48 hours ago. "}],[{"start":19.47,"text":"With an election now six weeks away, these are some of the key moments in Britain’s new political calendar. "}],[{"start":25.91,"text":"

What does the election mean for parliament?

"}],[{"start":29.37,"text":"The prime minister’s decision to hold a July 4 poll has led to a frenetic clearing of the legislative decks before parliament is officially “prorogued” — or suspended — on Friday. "}],[{"start":39.63,"text":"The surprise calling of a summer election has forced Sunak to hurriedly drop key bills including measures to crack down on smoking by young people and create a new football regulator for England. "}],[{"start":50.27,"text":"Parliament will be officially dissolved on May 30, at which point all seats fall vacant. "},{"start":55.212,"text":"Some MPs resent the fact that they have had little time to say their farewells to colleagues. "}],[{"start":60.24,"text":"After the election, parliament will meet on July 9, when the first business will be the election of the Speaker of the House of Commons and the swearing-in of new MPs. "},{"start":68.62,"text":"The State Opening will take place on July 17. "}],[{"start":72.58,"text":"

When will the manifestos appear?

"}],[{"start":75.66,"text":"Labour says its manifesto, or programme for government, is ready but it has yet to set a publication date. "},{"start":81.752,"text":"According to party insiders it will be “a reasonably slim document”. "},{"start":85.244,"text":"Sunak claims Sir Keir Starmer, leader of the main opposition party, has “no plan” for the country. "}],[{"start":91.34,"text":"The Labour manifesto has been pulled together by Rav Athwal, a former academic and Treasury official, but under tight political control from Pat McFadden, the party’s campaign co-ordinator, and campaign chief Morgan McSweeney. "}],[{"start":103.9,"text":"Party insiders say McFadden and McSweeney have “bomb-proofed” the manifesto to avoid it exploding in the course of a six-week campaign. "},{"start":111.06700000000001,"text":"Expect a focus on “stability” with promises to reform worker rights, planning and a pledge to invest in the green transition. "}],[{"start":118.09,"text":"Allies of Sunak say the Conservative manifesto is “in good shape” and is intended to show the party has not run out of ideas. "},{"start":124.882,"text":"“It’s not going to be bland,” said one. "},{"start":127.49900000000001,"text":"The party says it expects to publish the document early in the campaign. "}],[{"start":131.63,"text":"Will Tanner and James Nation, two policy advisers, “held the pen” on the document. "},{"start":136.734,"text":"Expect red-blooded commitments on tax cuts, migration, welfare reform and extra defence spending. "}],[{"start":143.71,"text":"

Will there be TV debates?

"}],[{"start":146.15,"text":"Although they feel like a long-standing tradition in British politics, TV debates between party leaders started only in 2010, a remarkable 50 years after Richard Nixon and John F Kennedy went head to head in the US presidential race in 1960. "}],[{"start":159.62,"text":"Typically the underdog in an election has more to gain from such an encounter, so Sunak’s team have challenged Starmer to take part in a televised debate during every week of the six-week campaign. "}],[{"start":169.88,"text":"“Don’t you think the British public deserve to know what you actually stand for? ”"},{"start":173.74699999999999,"text":"asked Richard Holden, Tory chair, on social media platform X. "},{"start":178.052,"text":"It is highly unlikely Starmer will agree to such an intense schedule. "}],[{"start":182.7,"text":"“I’ve been saying bring it on for a very, very long time,” Starmer said in January. "},{"start":188.029,"text":"“I’m happy to debate any time. ”"}],[{"start":190.83999999999997,"text":"There has been speculation that the Labour leader might only take part in two debates on the BBC and ITV. "},{"start":196.66899999999998,"text":"A spokesperson for Starmer declined to comment, but insisted: “We’re up for it. ”"}],[{"start":202.14999999999998,"text":"

How will candidates be picked?

"}],[{"start":204.65999999999997,"text":"A frantic rush by all the parties to select their final candidates will now take place before the June 7 deadline to submit nomination forms to the Electoral Commission, the elections watchdog. "}],[{"start":215.43999999999997,"text":"Both the Conservatives and Labour have scores of vacancies left to fill, with additional openings arising on Thursday after a new clutch of MPs announced they would be stepping down at this election. "}],[{"start":225.90999999999997,"text":"The latest departures include Tory MPs Dame Eleanor Laing, deputy Commons speaker, plus ministers Jo Churchill and Huw Merriman. "},{"start":233.62699999999998,"text":"Labour MPs Holly Lynch and Kevan Jones have also now said they will leave parliament. "}],[{"start":239.16999999999996,"text":"The heaviest scrutiny will fall on empty Labour and Tory “safe” seats, into which party bosses are likely to try and parachute favoured figures. "},{"start":246.71199999999996,"text":"The central party machines enjoy far greater influence in these eleventh-hour selections. "}],[{"start":252.42999999999995,"text":"

Will international meetings be affected?

"}],[{"start":255.96999999999994,"text":"Sunak’s decision to go for July 4 throws up some significant political and diplomatic challenges. "},{"start":261.6739999999999,"text":"Downing Street’s working assumption is that he will still attend the G7 summit in Bari, Italy, between June 13 and June 15. "}],[{"start":270.06999999999994,"text":"More interesting is the fact that whoever emerges as prime minister on July 4 — opinion polls suggest it will be Starmer — will be thrust immediately on to the world stage with two big upcoming international summits. "}],[{"start":281.47999999999996,"text":"The newly elected UK leader will travel to a Nato meeting in Washington starting on July 9, where the Ukraine war will be high on the security alliance’s agenda. "}],[{"start":290.91999999999996,"text":"Then crucially on July 18, the new premier is scheduled to host a meeting of the European Political Community at Blenheim Palace. "},{"start":297.787,"text":"London’s sluggishness over fixing this date for the grouping of more than 40 European states had already riled allies. "}],[{"start":304.41999999999996,"text":"A change of prime minister would further complicate matters. "},{"start":307.73699999999997,"text":"Sunak intended the event to focus on irregular migration, while Starmer is likely to favour a broader agenda. "}],[{"start":null,"text":""}],[{"start":313.84,"text":""}]],"url":""}












